Renters Insurance in Michigan

Renting a home or an apartment in Michigan is a great way to simplify your life. Worries such as property taxes, home maintenance, and other concerns are left in the care of your landlord. Many renters, however, fail to realize the importance of maintaining renters' insurance while they are renting. At The Vernon Agency, serving Vernon, MI, it is our pleasure to educate our clients on these crucial topics. Keep reading to find out why you should consider renters' insurance.

Your Personal Belongings

Your landlord will carry a homeowner's policy for the property you are renting. However, this policy does not cover your personal belongings as the tenant. If there is damage due to a fire, storm, or burglary, your personal possessions will be lost. The cost of repairing or replacing these items will come out of your pocket. On the other hand, if you carry renters' insurance, the policy will cover the cost of repairing or replacing these items for you. This is the only way to protect your personal belongings while you are renting.

Personal Liability

While renting in Michigan, personal liability can get tricky. If someone is hurt on the property, is the property owner liable or the tenant? It is essential to understand the limits and coverage of the property insurance that is already in place under your landlord's policy first. In some cases, the landlord is responsible. However, in other cases you the tenant would be liable. This is why carrying renter's insurance is a good idea. If someone is injured on the property and you are held responsible, renters' insurance can kick in to cover any costs that you are held accountable for paying.

Do not underestimate how damaging a liability case can be. If someone holds you liable for their injuries and expenses, it could be devastating to you financially. Renters' insurance is a natural, effective way to protect yourself against this.

If you would like to learn more about renters' insurance, please contact our friendly staff at The Vernon Agency today, serving Vernon, MI.

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