Preparing for winter: Things you should always have in your vehicle

Winters can be rough in Michigan, and snow is usually not in short supply. Being prepared when you are out on the road is essential when the weather can be unpredictable. At Bachmann Insurance Agency in Flushing, MI, we are independent insurance agents, and we will make sure that you are prepared for winter with the right auto insurance to protect you. 

What to have in your vehicle for winter

A shovel

Having a folding shovel can come in very handy if your vehicle gets buried in the snow.  Throwing it in your trunk or the back of your vehicle can save you from being stuck. 

A blanket

If you do get stuck in your vehicle for a few minutes or even a few hours, it is nice to have a warm blanket to cuddle up with to keep the cold Michigan winter out. 

The correct documents

No matter what the weather, you need to have the correct documents in your vehicle. This includes your vehicle registration, your current insurance coverage card, and your driver’s license. 


If you are out, and it snows while you are at work or in the store, having sand or salt or a combination can help you get the traction you need to be able to get going. Especially if it is icy, the salt can melt the ice. 

A Halo

A Halo can give you a charge if your battery is objecting to the cold; it also can inflate your tire if the cold has caused it to lose pressure.  

Water and snacks

Having water and snacks in your vehicle can be a lifesaver if you are stuck in a traffic jam due to the ugly winter weather.  Make sure you choose snacks that have some shelf life, not fresh fruits or cookies. 

Get Insurance Coverage For Your Needs

Contact Bachmann Insurance Agency in Flushing, MI for all your auto insurance needs. 

Commercial Insurance 101 – An Introduction

In the business realm, managing risk is a primary concern. Whether you run a small entrepreneurial startup or a large existing corporation, unexpected events can interrupt operations and threaten financial stability. According to the Bachmann Insurance Agency in Flushing, MI, commercial insurance is a critical device to assist businesses in protecting themselves against various risks.

What is Commercial Insurance?

Commercial insurance is a specific type of coverage between an insurance company and a business owner. It offers a variety of benefits in exchange for an agreed-upon premium. In other words, commercial insurance serves as the business’s safety net should an unforeseen incident cause a financial disruption or catastrophe.

Note that certain jurisdictions set forth legal insurance requirements specifically for a business’s operation.

Commercial Insurance Types

The most common insurance types include-


This protects your business assets, inventory, and property from unexpected incidents like fire, theft, vandalism, and natural disasters.


This protects the insured by paying legal expenses and damages should the business be found to be responsible for property damage, bodily injury, or negligence. Specific liability insurance includes-

  • General Liability
  • Professional Liability and Errors/Omissions
  • Product Liability

Commercial Auto

This covers business vehicles, including damages and liability for accidents and physical damage.

Workers’ Compensation

The provides specific benefits (i.e., medical expenses and lost wages, etc.) to employees and reduces the chances of employee lawsuits.

Additionally, businesses may purchase interruption or cyber insurance to protect their business.

We Are Here To Help

Commercial insurance is a critical component of any successful business strategy. By working with an insurance professional at Bachmann Insurance Agency in Flushing, MI, you move confidently forward, ready for unforeseen business challenges. Reach out to us today!

Tips for Mitigating Fire Risks at Home

A fire can be a devastating event. The damage can be immense and often life-disrupting as it impacts both one’s personal belongings and their home. To reduce the risk of fire in your home, the insurance professionals at Bachmann Insurance Agency in Flushing, MI offer these valuable tips:

Fire Mitigation Strategies for Homeowners

With just a bit of effort, you can reduce the risk of fire in your home by:

  • Install smoke alarms (and carbon monoxide detectors).
  • Fire extinguishers should be strategically located and easily accessible.
  • Don’t overload electrical outlets.
  • Clear leaves, debris, and other dry vegetation from around the home.
  • Employ safe cooking practices.
  • Proper maintenance of appliances, heating/air conditioning systems, fireplaces, etc.

What is the Role of Home Insurance in Fire Protection?

Homeowners insurance plays an essential role in fire protection as it offers financial coverage should a fire-related incident occur –

  • Home insurance typically includes coverage for property (personal, dwelling, etc.) damage caused by a fire event – including the cost of repairs or replacing items.
  • If a home is uninhabitable because of a fire, homeowners insurance can help pay for temporary living arrangements until your property has been repaired or rebuilt.
  • If a fire injures someone, liability coverage created by a home insurance policy can help reimburse you for medical bills, legal expenses, and other costs that occur with a liability case.

Note that certain companies may offer premium discounts/incentives for those who proactively choose to reduce the chance of a fire and resulting damage.

Schedule A Consultation Today!

Home insurance can provide vital financial protection against fire and other potential catastrophes. For those living in and around Flushing, MI, contact the licensed professionals at Bachmann Insurance Agency – we are happy to help!

Michigan Health Insurance: Fact vs. Fiction

Considering buying health insurance in Michigan? It is important to separate fact from fiction and to learn the essentials when it comes to getting the best health insurance coverage for you and your family. 

Bachmann Insurance Agency in Flushing, MI can help you choose the best health insurance policy for your needs. 

Facts vs. Myths About Michigan Health Insurance

Myth #1. – Health Insurance is Too Expensive

Many Michiganders go without health insurance because they believe they cannot afford it. 

Fact: A licensed health insurance agent can help you and your family find a suitable health insurance policy to meet your needs and budget.

Myth #2. – Individual Health Insurance Plans Won’t Provide Me with Adequate Coverage

Another reason people opt out of individual health insurance is because they don’t think they will get adequate coverage. 

Fact: Individual health insurance policies in Michigan can include the same coverage as those of large group health insurance plans. 

Experienced health insurance professionals can teach you about the basics of Michigan Health insurance for individuals, groups, and families. A knowledgeable agent can help quell your concerns and protect your health. 

Get Michigan Health Insurance Today

Now that you know health insurance doesn’t have to be as daunting as it seems, the next step is to talk to a licensed insurance agent and get a quote. Knowledgeable insurance agents can help you make the best policy decisions, choose the right add-ons, and even offer options for bundling your health insurance policy with other insurance plans like auto insurance, home insurance, or commercial insurance. 

Contact a licensed insurance agent at Bachmann Insurance Agency in Flushing, MI to get a free quote!

Must Have Auto Insurance Coverage for New Drivers

As a new driver, you’ll appreciate the independence that driving offers in getting you where you want to go. Before taking off in your new car, however, you’ll need to make important decisions concerning auto insurance. Auto insurance is mandatory in Michigan, and the right policy will ensure you have adequate protection on the road. If you live in Flushing, MI or nearby communities, you can turn to Bachmann Insurance Agency for help in obtaining the coverage you need.

Importance of Insurance Coverage

Auto insurance isn’t one-size fits as different drivers have different protection needs. Oftentimes, new drivers are more prone to accidents due to their lack of experience on the road. Poor weather conditions, heavy traffic, lack of driving skills, and even nervousness can lead to an accident, resulting in injury or property damage. The right auto insurance coverage will ensure you’re protected against any eventuality, so you don’t have to pay for damages out of pocket.

Must-Have Auto Coverage for New Drivers

As a new driver, you want to ensure you have adequate coverage to protect you against accidents you may cause.

By law, Michigan requires that all drivers carry the following coverage:

  • minimum liability coverage to cover injuries to others in accidents you cause
  • personal injury protection (PIP) to cover your medical expenses in the event of an accident
  • property protection insurance (PPI) to cover damage to the property of others in accidents you cause

In addition to this coverage, you may want extra protection in the form of collision or comprehensive insurance to protect your vehicle or vehicle assistance in case of breakdowns on the road. We’ll review your coverage options with you and customize your insurance package to suit your unique protection needs.

We Are Here To Help

For quality auto insurance coverage you can trust, contact your Bachmann Insurance Agency agent in Flushing, MI today.  

Understanding Business Interruption Insurance

One of the biggest stress factors of running a business is avoiding financial losses due to unexpected interruptions. Fires, natural disasters, and other unforeseen events can drain a business’ finances, and replacing lost income can harm your monthly or annual profits. Therefore, to protect your business from the unexpected, it’s essential to have business interruption insurance in place.

What is Business Interruption Insurance?

Business interruption insurance encompasses various factors like income coverage, extra expense coverage, contingent business interruption coverage, and civil authority coverage. This financial support enables you to handle temporary relocation expenses, payroll, loan payments, and taxes. Essentially, it’s a safety net during challenging times that minimize the impact on the overall financial stability of your business.

What is the Duration of Business Interruption Insurance?

The duration depends on the terms outlined in your policy although the standard period is set at 30 days, although it can be extended to 360 days through an endorsement. The period is defined as the time from when the incident that forced the interruption to your business. It usually lasts until the damage is repaired and your business is restored to its pre-disaster condition. 

How do I Choose the Right Plan?

Like many things in your business, seeking professional guidance is better than handling the process yourself. You shouldn’t have to learn the ins and outs of commercial insurance to determine a plan. Instead, Bachmann Insurance Agency in Flushing, MI is here to help you with all your commercial insurance needs and help you account for the unexpected. 

Reach Out To Us!

Contact Bachmann Insurance Agency in Flushing, MI today to learn more about business interruption insurance coverage today. 

Do I Need Home Insurance If I Don’t Have A Mortgage?

If you take out a mortgage to purchase a home in Flushing, MI, your lender will almost certainly require you to purchase homeowners insurance. But what happens when you’ve paid off the loan? Do you have to maintain your coverage? 

Homeowners insurance is not intended to be a means for a mortgage lender to charge you additional money. It’s an essential piece of insurance that will cover your home, valuables, and overall financial security from a plethora of damage hazards and other obligations. That is why you must keep coverage even after you have paid off your mortgage.

Here at Bachmann Insurance Agency, we’re more than happy to help answer your question. Here are a few reasons why a home without a mortgage still needs to be insured. 

Mortgage-Free Homes Are Still Valuable 

Just because you don’t have a mortgage doesn’t mean your property isn’t still a valuable investment. After all, you’ve spent years paying off the mortgage, maintaining it, and improving it, and you want to be ready to repair or rebuild your house in the event of a catastrophe. You may not have the resources to do so if you do not have homeowners insurance. 

Damage can still be costly. 

Home insurance can assist any owner in receiving financial support for the costs of a variety of devastating occurrences like fires, bad weather, or vandalism. As a result, if a major windstorm damages your roof and siding, your home insurance can pay for the necessary damage rather than leaving you to deal with it all on your own. 

Home Insurance Is About More Than Just Damage 

Finally, home insurance is more than just coverage for the value of your property. It can protect against a range of additional cost issues by providing various other benefits: 

Possession coverage insures your possessions in your house in the event of loss or damage.

Living expenses coverage will assist you with paying for food, hotel, or other bills that may emerge as a result of an injury that compels you to temporarily relocate from your home.

Liability insurance protects you and your family if you cause property damage or injury to someone who does not reside with you. As an example, if you hit a baseball through a neighbor’s window and into their china cabinet, this coverage may assist you in recouping your damages. 

Reach Out To Us!

If you have any questions about home insurance in the greater Flushing, MI region, contact us at Bachmann Insurance Agency today to figure out a home insurance policy that meets your needs as a homeowner. We’re here to help however possible and are ready to create your quote today!

3 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Health Insurance Plan

You want to protect your and your family’s health and well-being. So you’re looking for health insurance that will protect you against major financial losses caused by a covered medical event. Residents of Flushing, MI can turn to Bachmann Insurance Agency for assistance in locating the best health insurance options.

Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your coverage:

Conduct Policy Reviews on a Regular Basis

You may believe you understand your coverage, but policies can change. Make an appointment with your insurance agent for an annual policy review to ensure you understand what is covered. This way, you’ll know exactly what your insurance covers in the event of a medical or health emergency.

Take Advantage of Preventive Care

Even high-deductible policies typically cover preventive care screenings. This means you won’t have to pay for screenings like blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol checks out of pocket. To protect your health, these policies typically include flu shots and breast cancer screenings.

Keep An Eye Out For Perks

Some policies include benefits. Check with your insurer to see if you can get discounts at your local gym, for example. You may also be eligible for discounts on unnecessary procedures that improve your quality of life. Massages and LASIK surgery are examples of this. Talk to your Bachmann Insurance Agency agent today to ask about any potential perks.

Give Us A Call

Bachmann Insurance Agency in Flushing, MI has agents who can discuss all your health insurance needs and help you find the policy that best fits your needs. Contact us today to find out which policy is right for you.

How to prepare your car for winter

As winter approaches here in the Flushing, MI area, it’s important to make sure your car is in top shape, so you’re prepared for the colder weather. Bachmann Insurance Agency is happy to assist.

Here are a few tips from us on how to get your car ready for winter:

1. Check the battery:

Cold weather can affect the performance of your car battery, so make sure to test it ahead of time. If you find that it’s low on power or needs to be replaced, do so as soon as possible. 

2. Replace windshield wipers:

Replace old and worn-out windshield wipers with winter-grade ones; they will work better under cold temperatures and remain flexible enough to perform their job properly. 

3. Change oil:

Have your oil changed before winter comes around; this will help keep the engine running smoothly during the cold months ahead and reduce wear and tear on the engine. 

4. Check tire pressure:

Make sure that all your tires are inflated correctly according to their manufacturer’s recommendations – lower pressures in cold weather can cause you to lose traction while driving on icy roads. 

5. Winterize other fluids:

Also check other fluids such as brake fluid, coolant, power steering fluid, etc., and replace them if necessary.  

Get Auto Insurance Today

All these steps will help prepare your car for winter and ensure that you stay safe when driving during this season! For more tips, or if you have any questions about your auto insurance policy, give us at Bachmann Insurance Agency a call today. We proudly serve the Flushing, MI area and would be happy to help you find a policy that meets your needs and your budget.

What is a BOP?

Business owners who live in Flushing, MI are not required to have commercial insurance except for worker’s compensation coverage, paying for laborer injuries, lost wages, and alternate job training when they are hurt at work. 

Nevertheless, business insurance is an indemnification that many entrepreneurs choose to buy for the benefits it confers, in addition to protecting businesses from significant financial loss. 

What is a BOP?

A BOP, or business owner’s policy, is a group of insurance products that are bundled together for the convenience of customers. Depending on the line of work you are in, there are often perils that most frequently occur within your industry. The function of the BOP is to streamline these services, and your Bachmann Insurance Agency representative can go over the details of your situation. 

If you own your own building, it’s important to insure the contents of the edifice, as you may be housing raw materials that are needed for your offering. In addition, the equipment you depend on to create an income can be destroyed if, for example, your warehouse were to go up in flames or be subject to an electrical surge.

You may also have more than one location to insure, and you have the option for business interruption coverage that helps provide income in the interim between the disaster and recovery. 

The general liability portion of this combined coverage will typically indemnify you in scenarios where you’re found responsible for damaging someone else’s property or injuring someone. Additionally, if your advertising causes harm, it can help provide redress. 

Bachmann Insurance Agency Provides Insurance Solutions

We help create insurance packages to meet every criterion for your life situation, and we are available to speak more in-depth with you online, by phone, or in the office. We serve those living in and around Flushing, MI.