Why Is Health Insurance So Important?

Are you ill, but you lack the funds to see a doctor? Have you ever been in a medical emergency and had to call for a fundraiser from family and friends to cater to your medical bills? If you’ve been through such cases, then you should have realized the importance of having some health insurance coverage.

The Bachmann Insurance Agency in Flushing, MI provides health insurance coverage that can take care of you during similar tough times. The health insurance coverage allows you to access health care within its network of healthcare facilities at affordable rates.

What’s the General Importance of Health Insurance?

Health insurance allows the policyholders to get care, which often leads to improved health outcomes, low death rates, and better productivity at work and in life. Lacking health insurance coverage puts your mental, physical, and financial health at significant risk.

So, what are the benefits of such coverage? Read on to get the insights!

Health Insurance Reduces Your Health Expenses

Health insurance coverage allows you to pay less when you access in-network healthcare provided by medical facilities designated and networked by your insurance company. You may also get cashless treatment if your medical expenses don’t exceed the coverage caps.

Health Insurance Coverage Protects Your Savings

A health policy from Bachmann Insurance Agency can protect you from draining your savings or selling your property to pay your medical bills. Even when you have to pay some out-of-pocket payments, there are chances of you getting reimbursements.

Health Insurance Gives You Better Preventive Care

Michigan residents with health insurance plans are likely to get free yearly checkups and diagnostic tests that may detect serious medical problems and get them treated before they can worsen. Such policyholders may also get free vaccinations, screenings, lab work, and some diagnostic tests.

Health Insurance Covers Can Take Care of Medical Emergencies

Health insurance is vital in maintaining your good health, and it can help in cases of accidents where the costs of treatment are way beyond what you can afford.

Get Health Insurance Today

Health insurance coverage from Bachmann Insurance Agency in Flushing, MI is suitable for your mental, physical, and financial health. Call the agency today or visit our website to learn how to benefit by getting one of our health insurance coverage plans.

When Does Auto Insurance Cover Repairs?

Some drivers in Flushing, MI assume that since they carry the minimum required auto insurance, they’re covered on any repairs they need. This is incorrect for a few reasons. For your insurance company to cover your repairs, a few criteria need to be met:

  • You need to have collision coverage (for accidents) and comprehensive coverage (for non-accident damage) in order for your damages to be covered.
  • The damages need to be the result of a covered hazard, not simple wear and tear or neglect.
  • You need to file your claim in a timely manner, which will be about a month in most cases.

The more evidence you can gather, the better the odds of your claim being accepted. If you can take photos at the accident scene or you can record your version of the event immediately following the incident, this will make it easier to file your claim.

The truth is that your insurance company probably has no issue with recognizing a valid claim. They just want to make sure that you’re forthright and that they can accurately estimate the damages, so the more accurate the details in your claim, the better.

If you’re driving a brand new car, you may want to look into replacement coverage and gap insurance, as well as comprehensive and collision, to make sure that you’re completely covered.

If you have any questions or you’re looking to get covered in Flushing, MI, get in touch with Bachmann Insurance Agency. You can call or check out the Bachmann Insurance Agency website to see about getting a policy that will buy you the peace of mind you need.

Auto Insurance: What to do Before Making a Claim

Following an accident in Flushing, MI, your auto insurer expects you to promptly get in touch with them if you want to make a claim. However, there are a few steps that you will want to take before picking up the phone and calling your auto insurance provider:

  1. Call the Police. Right after an accident, unless you and the other driver both agree to forget about it and cover your own damages out of pocket, you will want to call the police and file a report. When you call your insurer, they’ll want a police report number. If you didn’t file a report at the scene of the accident, you could stop by the police station at a later date to file it.
  2. Decide if it’s Worth Filing. If there was no other driver involved, then you’ll want to consider whether it’s worth filing a claim. If the deductible would be bigger than the claim, then, of course, it’s not really worth it. But if you have serious damages to cover, that’s what insurance is there for.
  3. Take notes. Our memories have a way of changing over time. So make sure you’re clear on what happened. Take photos, read your police report, and make sure you’re clear on the incident so that you don’t wind up giving your insurer any conflicting information.

With all that out of the way, it’s time to file your claim. Just call your insurer, and they’ll let you know what to do next.

If you’re still looking to get covered in Flushing, MI, or if you have any questions, get in touch with Bachmann Insurance Agency. Call us, or hop on the Bachmann Insurance Agency website and see what we can do for you.

Do I need to get commercial insurance in Michigan?

A business owner that lives in the Flushing, MI area could find that it is a great place to run a company. This area of Michigan has a strong base of people as well as a good local economy. When you are looking to start a business here or continue to operate an existing one, it is imperative that you get proper insurance for it. There are a few reasons why a Michigan business owner needs to get a quality commercial insurance policy.

Insurance Protects Investment in Business

An important reason that anyone will need to get commercial coverage when they are in Michigan is to protect their investment in their business. If you are going to start a company, you will have to invest a lot of time and capital to get it off the ground. This whole investment could be lost quickly if you do not get proper insurance. When you get coverage, you can continue to protect your business.

Insurance Offers Continued Liability Protection

You will also want to get commercial insurance as it can offer ongoing liability protection. A business owner here should recognize their liability risks. If you are sued for liability, the effects could be devastating and even put a business into insolvency. When you have commercial coverage, you can receive liability insurance to mitigate this risk. 

There continue to be many reasons for a Flushing, MI business owner to get a commercial insurance policy. As you are looking for a new plan, you could find that picking one is complicated. Fortunately, when you call Bachmann Insurance Agency, you can learn a lot about your options and how insurance coverage can protect you. Bachmann Insurance Agency can then help you to build a great policy that meets your needs.

Do I need home insurance when I don’t have a mortgage

When you signed on to your mortgage many years ago, the end seemed like it would last forever. Now that you have made your last payment, you are free from the burden of paying it every month. You needed to maintain home insurance when you didn’t own your home outright, but now you don’t have a mortgage, you no longer are required to insure it. It is tempting to save the money you would pay for home insurance. At Bachmann Insurance Agency in Flushing, MI, we are independent agents who work tirelessly to help our clients find the right insurance for their needs and wallet. 

Home insurance offers many benefits to homeowners. Even if it isn’t legally necessary to have it, practically, it is an excellent idea. Your home is one of your largest assets. It is where your family memories reside and you as well. Beyond a sentimental attachment, financially losing your home and everything in it would be a devastating loss. If you could easily repair any damage your home might sustain and replace the contents, then you don’t need home insurance. If it would be a hardship to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, maybe it is a good idea to maintain home insurance. 

Beyond just the replacement value of your home and contents, home insurance provides liability coverage. This protects you if someone in your household causes bodily damage or damage to the property of another. Your insurance will cover a costly lawsuit and the legal costs associated with it. Home insurance also provides loss of use protection and makes sure you have someplace to stay while your home is damaged and uninhabitable. Home insurance may not be required, but it is too valuable not to have. 

Contact Bachmann Insurance Agency in Flushing, MI and let us help you with all your insurance needs. 


3 Tips for Buying Health Insurance in Michigan

Living life without health insurance is dangerous. If an illness or injury were to happen suddenly, you’d need medical care, and that could bankrupt you if you don’t have health insurance. For this reason, the team at Bachmann Insurance Agency has put together a list of three tips that will help you buy a new health insurance policy or upgrade to a new one. Read on to learn more:

1. Work with a Reputable Agent Serving Flushing, MI

The first thing you should do is call Bachmann Insurance Agency to speak with a reputable agent who will walk you through the health insurance buying steps. These individuals are standing by to take your call today and make sure you get the policy you want at a price you can afford.

2. Compare Many Quotes

Your agent will ask you a few questions – your age, current health status, budget, number of dependents – to garner what type of policies you should review. Together, you will go over a few policies to compare coverage and cost. This is the time to ask questions, clarify anything you don’t understand, and make an informed decision. However, there is no hurry, and you can take as much time as you need to make a choice. 

3. Bundle Your New Policy

Once you’ve chosen a health insurance policy that works for you, consider bundling it with your other policies to save on your premiums. You can bundle your home, life, auto, or any other insurance policies you may have.

To learn more about health insurance, contact us today to get started toward a life of peace of mind and great health for your lifestyle in Flushing, MI. We can be reached at 810-230-1375. 

How can having auto insurance protect me?

Those who live in the Flushing, MI area will find that it is a lot easier to get around town and complete their daily tasks if they can buy a car. When you purchase a car here, it is also vital that you get a proper insurance policy. There are several ways that a quality auto insurance policy can protect you and your vehicle at all times. 

Protects Your Asset

One of the most important ways an auto insurance policy can protect you is by providing you with coverage for your asset. If you have invested a lot in your car, you will want to ensure that investment is protected. When you can get an auto insurance policy with comprehensive and collision coverage, you will receive proper coverage to protect against the risks of theft or damage.

Gives Protection for Liability

Another advantage of an auto insurance policy is that it will protect you against liability risk. If you choose to drive a car on a public road, there is going to be a chance that you could make a mistake that leads to an accident. If you are deemed responsible, you will want to have an auto insurance policy to give the protection you need. 

If you are a car owner in the Flushing, MI area, you will need to make sure that you have proper auto insurance coverage at all times. When you are looking for insurance protection here, you should call the team at Bachmann Insurance Agency. Picking an auto insurance policy is never easy, as there are many factors and options to consider. When you are shopping for a policy, Bachmann Insurance Agency will assess your personal situation to ensure you receive the coverage that you need. 

What Small Business Owners Need to Know About Commercial Insurance

Owning your own business can be an exciting and rewarding journey. That reward comes at the cost of your investment of time and money. To make sure that this investment of time and money is sufficiently protected, there are steps that business owners must take to protect themselves. At Bachmann Insurance Agency, serving Flushing, MI, we take great pride in educating our clients on how they can best protect their investments. Keep reading to find out what small business owners need to know about commercial insurance. 

Why Do I Need Commercial Insurance?

Commercial insurance refers to a variety of insurance policies that work to protect a small business owner. There are unforeseen problems that can have a dramatic effect on your business and your income. As the business owner, you are more liable for certain damages. Commercial insurance can kick in to help protect you from these damages.

What Does Commercial Insurance Cover?

Each business will be different and, therefore, will require different types of coverage. In general, commercial insurance will cover the following areas:

  • Business property – If your business operates at a physical location, you will want this property protected in the event of damage, burglary, or in the case an injury takes place. 
  • Vehicles – If your business operates vehicles to conduct business, these vehicles will need to be insured and the drivers who drive them. 
  • Liability – A business owner puts themselves at a unique risk when they operate a business. If an individual gets injured on your property or as a result of your services, you could be held liable for their expenses. Liability insurance will kick in to cover these expenses. 

If you would like to learn more about commercial insurance, please contact our friendly staff at Bachmann Insurance Agency, serving Flushing, MI. 


Homeowner’s Insurance for First Time Homebuyers

Buying your first home is an exciting journey. There will be many things to think about and plan as you make this big purchase. One of the most important considerations you will need to make during this time is purchasing homeowner’s insurance. Homeowner’s insurance is a crucial investment you will make into the security of your future. At Bachmann Insurance Agency, serving Flushing, MI,  we love to take the opportunity to educate our clients on these crucial topics. Keep reading to find out what you need to know about homeowner’s insurance. 

Why is the Homeowner’s Insurance Important 

Your home will likely be one of the most significant financial investments you will make. Protecting that investment is very important to your financial security. In most states, maintaining homeowner’s insurance is required by law. This is to make sure homeowners are not left vulnerable in the face of natural disasters, burglary, and other damage. 

What Does Homeowner’s Insurance Cover?

In most cases, a homeowner’s insurance policy will cover damage to your home or property caused by fire, natural disasters, and burglary. It is vital to note that most homeowner’s insurance policies do not cover flood damage. Flood insurance is often a separate insurance policy. You will want to talk to your insurance representative to discuss flood insurance if this is a concern for you. 

In addition to these coverages, homeowner’s insurance will also cover liability if someone is injured at your home or on your property. If someone is injured at your home or on your property, you could be held liable for their expenses. This can be damaging financially. Liability insurance will protect you from this damage. 

If you would like to learn more about homeowner’s insurance, please contact our friendly staff today at Bachmann Insurance Agency, serving Flushing, MI.