Should I Update My Home Insurance Due To Remodeling?

Remodeling or renovating a home takes hard work and money, so it makes sense to protect yourself financially against damage or loss. Your home is subject to certain risks during the remodeling process, and since most remodeling projects increase a home’s value, you should discuss the planned changes with your insurance agent. It is best to have a conversation before the work begins. If you live in or near Flushing, MI, consider working with our Bachmann Insurance Agency team for all your insurance needs.

Remodeling and Renovating Increases Your Insurance Risk

Home insurance protects our property against damage and injuries that can occur to or on it, and homeowners must recognize that their risks increase during the home improvement process. Workers may be on site, materials and tools are stored on the property, and projects often involve changes to electrical, plumbing, and other systems that can cause damage if not completed correctly. The increased risks during the remodeling process are why many insurance policies require homeowners to notify their agents before a remodeling project.

Completed renovations commonly increase the home’s value by adding square footage, new cabinets or appliances, and many other upgrades. On the other hand, electrical and heating system upgrades can reduce the likelihood of certain damage, leading to reduced risk and lower insurance premiums. So, whatever your plans, speak with your agent before starting a project.

Protecting Your Home with the Bachmann Insurance Agency

Remodeling a home involves financial and emotional investment, so protecting your assets is critical. If you live in or near Flushing, MI, consider working with our Bachmann Insurance Agency team to obtain the needed home and other insurance protection. Please stop by the office or call us today at (810) 230-1375.